(786) 443-9452


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“Your Options with Medicare”

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Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)

If you have Medicare’s Part A and B, also known as Original Medicare, then you qualify to join one of these Medicare Health Insurance plans offered through Medicare approved private companies so long as one is available in your service area. Medicare Advantage plans must cover at the very least what Original Medicare covers and usually come with prescription drug coverage as well as many additional benefits that Original Medicare does not cover such as dental, vision, fitness membership & more.

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Medicare Supplement Plans

Also known as Medigap insurance, Medicare Supplements plans are offered by private health insurance companies to help pay for out of pocket expenses incurred through Original Medicare. Since Original Medicare pays for 80% of hospital and medical expenses under Part A and B these plans are another option to help cover these costs.

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Prescription Drug Plans (Part D)

Original Medicare doesn’t have coverage for most prescription drugs which is why you might want to consider adding on a stand alone prescription drug plan also known as Part D. These plans can be added if you have Medicare Part A and or Part B or with a Medicare Supplement Plan.


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