(786) 443-9452

Individual & Family Health Insurance

Take care of your health and that of your family with our health insurance. Discover our options now.

We care for your health and that of your family. Discover our options now.

Individual & Family Health Insurance

Affordable Care Act Plans (ACA)

Plans through the Affordable Care Act are also often referred to as ObamaCare Plans and Individual & Family Plans. These plans are offered through the HealthCare Marketplace also known as the Exchange and are an alternative option to employer group health insurance or other government programs such as Medicare or Medicaid. These plans may also offer additional options for Dental & Vision.

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Short Term Medical Insurance

Short term medical insurance is designed to provide fast and temporary health coverage that will generally cover new health conditions and emergencies. These plans are ideal for covering emergencies and bridging the gap between health coverages for example while you wait to qualify for Medicare, while you wait to get health coverage from an employer group health plan or while you wait to be able to enroll in a plan through your state’s marketplace.

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Hospital/Medical Indemnity Plans

These indemnity plans can help you cover expenses for services such as doctors visits, diagnostic screenings, prescription drugs, hospital stays and more. They can also help supplement your current health insurance by helping you cover the portion of the copayment or coinsurance not covered under your plan.


    Our Expertise

    Wide selection of options

    Personalized care

    Comprehensive coverage

    Freedom to choose doctors

    Provider network

    Wellness programs

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    (786) 443-9452
